Monday, December 21, 2015

Building paradox sailboat

Building paradox sailboat

Same Pic Building paradox sailboat

Paradox Build

Paradox Build

The Paradox is so small you have to finish the interior before you put

The Paradox is so small you have to finish the interior before you put

What made you want to build a boat?"

What made you want to build a boat?"

lighter than paradox though still has ballast george the builder of

Lighter than paradox though still has ballast george the builder of

Paradox_odyssey_capsize_2.avi - youtube, We are testing new micro sailboat odyssey design: "paradox" by matt "wizard" layden..
The mother of all maritime links: page 2 of 47, Amateur boatbuilding & restoration projects: alan murphy's wild iris (building a hunter pilot 27 kit boat) andrew linn's puddle duck racer (and other boatbuilding.
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Foam core glass fibre sandwich vs marine plywood | richard, Following swedish small boat designer/buider/sailor sven yrvind’s blog has given me confidence to consider building my boat of a foam core glass fibre sandwich.
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