Sailboat on collision course with fishing boat
Irene sending a sailboat on a high speed collision course, This feature is not available right now. please try again later. uploaded on aug 28, 2011. category . music; license . standard youtube license.
Maltese falcon
involved in collision |, The yacht maltese falcon was t-boned by a sailboat named stand by in the san francisco bay. looks like the maltese falcon was hit on the beam of the yacht..
Rc sailboat racing how to race radio controlled sailboats, Radio controlled sailboats racing is fast and fun. earn all you need to know about racing rc sailboats and how to race rc sailboats . how to set a course for rc.
Windvane self steering gear for sailboats - sailboat cruising, How do windvane self steering gears work? essentially, these entirely mechanical devices sense the apparent wind direction and steer the boat on a course relative to it..
Boating rules of the road -, Boating rules of the road - contains information necessary for the boater in the sacramento san joaquin delta area..
Rules of the road | safe boater, Learn more about the rules of the road as governed by the collision regulations and discover which vessel is the stand-on vessel and which is the give-way..
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